Lucky House Mystical Store


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Cloves (Clavos de Olor)

Planet: Sun , Jupiter

Element: Fire, Air

Gender: Masculine

Used For: Attracting Money, Stop Gossip, Purify, Clears the Mind, Attract Love, Banishes Evil, Protection

The magical effects of cloves give it the power to add energy to your money spells, protection spells, luck spells, love spells, mental health spells, and more. Using it in spells will almost always aid in manifestation. Add ground cloves to ground black pepper. Mix well, then dress and burn a black candle to break hexes.  Burn the spice as incense to drive away baneful, harmful energies. Create a good luck charm by adding cloves, cinnamon, bay, basil, and your favorite good luck herbs to a green pouch.

Weight: .5 oz 

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